Find A Music Teacher

This is the place to catch a teacher and discuss possible lessons with them. There are currently 64 teachers from Armagh (1), Berkshire (1), Birmingham (1), Buckinghamshire (1), Cheshire (1), Cornwall (2), Devon (1), Dorset (1), East Yorkshire (4), Glamorgan (1), Gloucestershire (1), Greater Manchester (3), Herefordshire (2), Kent (1), Lancashire (3), Leicestershire (1), London (14), Merseyside (1), Norfolk (2), North Lanarkshire (1), Nottinghamshire (3), Oxfordshire (1), Powys (1), South Yorkshire (3), Staffordshire (3), Suffolk (1), Surrey (2), Tyne and Wear (2), Warwickshire (1), West Midlands (2), West Yorkshire (1) and Worcestershire (1) registered with the site . Please use the search box below to locate a teacher close to you.

If you are a music teacher, you may register free of charge to add yourself to the list. (details at bottom of this page)

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All teachers - alphabetical       Displaying results 60 to 64 of 64   < Previous page   Next page >(Show newest first)
Alan WalkerNottinghamshire
clarinet sax flute piano
Louise WaltersLondon
Violin, Piano, Flute, Music Theory
Peter WendlandLondon
recorder viol (viola da gamba)
Stu WoodDorset
All teachers - alphabetical       Displaying results 60 to 64 of 64   < Previous page   Next page >(Show newest first)

Free Listing:
If you are a music teacher, you may register to add yourself to the list. To protect your privacy and prevent spam, TAF Music will not display your email address and allows you to choose whether to display your phone number on this website. Potential students can contact you through the "Contact Teacher" button on your teacher's detail page. A registered teacher is also automatically registered as a seller.

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Teachers who are already registered may login to edit their details or to sell on TAF Music.